5 best natural skin care masks | NexT YuvA

5 best natural skin care masks

You do not need anymore to the large sums of money spending in beauty salons or exposing your skin to the laser beams even you enjoy the beauty of super,
Because you only need to read this article and the application of masks Group, which we will submit to you today. Treat yourself with these simple recipes, effective and economic.

1-Mayonnaise Mask:

 Why are you wasting the money for the acquisition of expensive creams while that you can open the refrigerator and apply mayonnaise on your face for 20 minutes, then rinse with cold water nationalist and will notice the difference yourself. If you want to enjoy smooth skin do not hesitate to do so.

2- Yogurt mask:

 You do not have anymore to go to a spa to clean your skin or open pores tighten because you can do it at home. You need to apply the yogurt for 20 minutes, and to activate the skin cells Tsttiein mixing a teaspoon of yogurt with 1/4 teaspoon of orange juice, and some of the orange pulp and 1 teaspoon of aloe, then leave the mixture to dry for at least five minutes before rinsing .

 3- Mustard mask:

 To take care of your skin from time to time and stimulate the production of collagen and get rid of the wrinkles you apply a little yellow mustard and sweet. But you have to pay attention and evaluating applied to a small area of the skin at the outset that you will not cause any skin irritation.

4- Lemon mask:

 Mask is a simple and effective and helps to get rid of the peels, dirt and suspended impurities in the skin, and is one of the best recipes that will allow you to face peeling and nourish the skin at the same time.
For the processing of this mask you need to mix lemon juice and 1/4 cup of olive oil or sweet almond oil.

5- Egg mask:

 If you suffer from dry skin, consider using egg yolk, but if you suffer from oily skin then you should apply the egg whites, then add the rest of the ingredients: a little honey or lemon. As for normal skin, you should use the whole egg and relax for 30 minutes, then rinse with cold water.

Do not hesitate to use these recipes,
Even once a week you will notice dazzling results.
