news report said that Samsung, in a move
to reduce dependence on the Android operating system, is considering
the launch of smart phones cheaper operating
platform "Windows 8.1"
of the Microsoft Corporation.

the report, which was released Sunday, pointed out that the main issue is whether the Samsung and
Microsoft Sitsoean continuing
legal dispute over royalties
property rights.
official added,
"If the two companies resolved
their own lawsuits, Samsung will manufacture mobile phones operating platform developed by Microsoft,
could be the timing of it during the third quarter
of this year at the earliest."
move comes after Samsung devices
operating failed open
source Tizen operating
system - which was developed by
the company in collaboration with Intel - to get
the desired applications and content developers support.
official said, "This year,
Samsung plans to promote
the system Tizen, but the main focus will
continue to TVs, and not for mobile devices." "With the launch of Windows machines, you can manage for Samsung phones work
in low- and middle sectors of the
devices, to high
report also pointed out that the Windows Phone plan based on the results of ongoing and related
property rights disputes, and Microsoft had been
Samsung to court after
the latter refused to pay what he must pay
the royalties on
was the last year has pushed
another one trillion won (912 million US dollars) of royalties to Microsoft. It is said that
the latter had asked Samsung
phones running Windows
platform compared to manufacturing updated license
agreement signed earlier.
the news
about the determination of the Samsung launch smart
phones running Windows
Phone operating system, other
companies decided to stop the launch of such devices, such as Huawei, which one
of its officials said during the month of December / December last year that
the smartphone operating manufacturing system and
Windows Phone does not bring encouraging profits.
to figures
from research firm, "IDC"
IDC, the share of mobile operating system, Windows
Phone sales during the third
quarter of last year did not
go beyond the barrier of 2.9 percent, compared with 11.7 percent for Apple
smart, and the proportion of 84.4 percent for
devices Android.