Android system has about 1.4 billion active users currently | NexT YuvA

Android system has about 1.4 billion active users currently

CEO of Google Sundar Pichai announced that the Android system has about 1.4 billion active users, and came the declaration during a special event company, which held on Tuesday, it revealed the company's latest products and phones Nexus 5X from the manufacture of LG company, Nexus 6P from the manufacture of Chinese Huawei .

The figure is an increase in the number of active users of the system Android actually has about 400 million users, Google has announced in June 2014 for about billion users, while announced in mid-2013 for Try 900 million active users of the Android system.

On the other hand, and in comparison with other companies, the company Apple has sold more than a billion devices running iOS system since 2007, while Microsoft's chasing the dream of getting billion users by 2018.

Pichai said that many users coming from emerging markets such as Vietnam and Indonesia, also pointed out that 10,000 companies have adopted Android system at work, as part of Google's efforts to make Android system more secure and can be controlled within the institutions dealing through it

These new figures come amid several disorders that affect the operating hardware manufacturers Android system such as Samsung and HTC, which saw a decline in its market share of shipments, and not the cause competition Apple only, but because of a relatively new competitors such as Schumi and Huawei of China.

Android system and the operating system is the largest in the world with these special numbers the number of active users, and Apple was announced at the beginning of this year it sold billion devices running iOS, but that does not mean that it has one billion active users.

The company also announced that more than 20% of the operating system Android devices used copy Lollipop, which means that version is about 300 million Android device.
