Galaxy Note 6 It will be water-resistant camera with iris scan of the eye | NexT YuvA

Galaxy Note 6 It will be water-resistant camera with iris scan of the eye

Samsung plans to make her forthcoming tablet "Galaxy Note 6" expected to be launched later this year, water-resistant and dust, according to the transfer site "Sam Mobile"

Specialist site in the news that Samsung is "sure" and said that the phone will be the structure of the water-resistant and dust according to IP68 standard, the same standard that is supported by the phone "Galaxy S 7"  which was launched by the company some time ago.

This allows standard IP68 phone withstand an underwater depth of 1.5 meters for half an hour. And so would be "Galaxy Note 6," the first tablet phone from Samsung is resistant to water and dust.

For his part, the site of Galaxy Club discovered that Samsung imported "iris scanning camera" for research and development activities in India. Although the phone "Galaxy Note 6" is not mentioned, but following flagship phone from the South Korean company.

With the exception of these features, the leaks are talking to phone tablet offers a screen measuring 5.8 inches, and 6GB RAM.

It is noteworthy that Samsung rushed last year's launch of the "Galaxy Note 5" to compete with my Apple iPhone OS 6 and iPhone 6 Plus feed, so it launched in  August 2015 instead of September as they were accustomed before. 

 The phone screen Super AMOLED WVGA 5.7-inch 2560 × 1440 pixels accurately with a layer of glass to protect "Gorilla Glass 4", as stated random access memory "4 GB Ram" and 32/64/128 GB of internal storage space
