Adobe has announced the launch of a special version of Android devices of editing application and improve its own image, "Light room" to Aguetrm.
The company said that the mobile version of the "Lightroom" is working facilities for the fifth version of the surface of the desktop version of the application.
It opens automatically sync photos between desktop version Phone version of the application, which allows to edit and modify them through familiar tools it offers. The user can edit images that captured both the user DSLR camera or camera phone itself own professionalism.
The application also allows importing images from Photo Gallery and select images that the user wishes to synchronize them with full information, such as their own descriptive data and metadata information affiliate groups, as well as easily share allows the phone via social networking.
The use of the application requires a paid subscription to one of the "Adobe" cloud services. But for non-subscribers can download the Android version of the Google Play store, and the experience of the application is free for thirty days.