Phillips Released New Screen with Adobe RGB Technology | NexT YuvA

Phillips Released New Screen with Adobe RGB Technology

Announced "M M D" company specialized in the field of technology and partner brand screens "Phillips license, today announced the new computer screen IPS-AHVA 27-inch, a manufacturer of color standards support through Adobe RGB Technology.

The company said that with the extensive series of Adobe RGB, the screen can reproduce more than one billion in full color, giving users professionals confidence in the colors shown in front of them, which ensures compatibility with the required production standards and thus gives the screen colors are accurate and ultra-high definition through all stages of completion of the work to ensure accuracy required during the course of the production process.

company added that the technique "is available 10-bit" can increase the identification and description of each color, and may the new screen size of 27 inches that represent more than one billion colors at one time - and thus the color differences cannot be discerned by the human eye. The user will find the resulting images on the screen smooth and natural, without notice spacers in color gradation Onate docking colors.

The "M AMD" to the fluctuations in the brightness and color on different parts of a computer screen is a common phenomenon in many of the other screens. But with the new standards Smart Uniformity screen Philips automatic adjustment process to compensate for these differences, and provide an average illumination level exceeding 95 percent to give vitality and consistency when viewing complex and critical applications such as color photographs and scientific images.
Complementing color display capabilities, the company said it may have been the new screen design IPS-AHVA potential serve the needs of office work in every day. Web and speakers high-definition images and Quad HD Fat toy camera accurately 2560 × 1440 and 2560 × 1080, and also has the angle of additional wide view enables a clear view of the screen from any angle, and the base of smart screen Smart Ergo Base gives users the ability to tilt and management screen flexibly. "The MMI de" it with a Multi View technology, the screen can be connected to multiple sources at the same time. For example, users can view a computer notebook content on the part of the screen and the content of the digital camera is another part of them at the same time.
