Microsoft will allow Windows 10 to get the final version for free | NexT YuvA

Microsoft will allow Windows 10 to get the final version for free

Microsoft officially announced for users of the beta version of Windows 10 system on the final version of it, for free, provided that the user has registered an account in Windows Insider program.

Microsoft has previously announced for Windows 7 and Windows users to the new version 8.1 for free, so when the new system provides officially on July 29 next.

And it is now available for all users to get the original version of Windows 10 for free, by downloading the latest version beta of Windows 10, carrying build number 10130, and registration Microsoft account is already registered in the Windows Insider program Program, used on Windows 10 will receive a complimentary full.

Microsoft said through the official blog: "As long as you use a beta version of the Windows 10 system, and connected with a Microsoft account, will receive the final version of Windows 10, and will remain activated version."

Registration can be in Insider Windows Program program free of charge via the following link:, and can download the trial version file format ISO file body from the following link:, and then burn the file on DVD disc and downloaded through the boot device of the cylinder and install the version, and registration registered in Windows Insider program account program.

And allow new step for users of Windows versions of at least version Windows 7 get a new system free of charge, such as Windows Vista users, or Windows XP system.

The Microsoft and laughed earlier put copies of pirated users of Windows 7 or Windows 8.1 when the update to the new system Windows 10, and said they're going to update naturally and free, but they will not enjoy the characteristics of technical support that Microsoft be provided to users of the system.
