Sony launches new version of the Playstation 4 device with a capacity of 1 terabyte | NexT YuvA

Sony launches new version of the Playstation 4 device with a capacity of 1 terabyte

Sony officially announced today a new version of its own gaming platform "PlayStation 4" PlayStation 4, which offers internal storage space the size of one terabyte.

The new version offers many other improvements, where the weight comes less by 10% than the previous version, it is also less drain on power by 8% compared to the previous version, which had come HDD 500 GB of internal storage size.

And help the new version of the PlayStation 4, which comes under the name Ultimate Player Edition, users to store more games than ever before, providing storage space for the new version more than twice than the previous version.

Sony revealed the availability of the option to add an aesthetic touch on the device in the new version, which can give a flat texture and matte -mt- on the console of your PlayStation 4.

The new version is available in the markets in black and white, Sony did not reveal the price of the new version in any of the markets that will launch the new version of the PlayStation 4.

The Sony pointed to the availability of the new version in Japan by the end of first month of June, and it will be available in European markets in Day 15 of next July, and will be available in the North American market in July without that the company identifies a specific date for it.
